These Could Get a TWITTER Ban!

Friday, July 2, 2021


Main posts have been brought over from

a) Parts were getting lost in the system;

b) Twitter decided that Blog must be suspect, as they recently placed 2 bans on my account. Fingers crossed then!

We are putting out ideas and info that could be crucial for some people's survival or protection. Everyone has different views and requirements, and that should be a Given. Whether people favour wearing masks is up to them and, if bus drivers or others in people-facing roles prefer us to wear masks, that seems reasonable. Doesn't it?

There is an issue of sometimes not being able to edit existing posts here, at least on a gadget, so we'll leave this up for you, if it turns out useful in some way. There are rumblings about Cyber Polygon (date 9th July 2021), as a WEF 'exercise' in taking down parts of the Internet - to see what happens. Forewarned is somewhat forearmed.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Invasive Technology, Casuistry

June 2021

A temporary lock was placed on my Twitter account for the first time. I had to delete the following:

Could a #vaccine #combine with #5G? Or xyz? Do your own #research. "#Nerve #cell #proteins, #activated by heat + mechanical pressure can be #genetically #engineered to be sensitive to #radio #waves + #magnetic #fields by attaching to an #iron-storing #protein called #ferritin."

Search for 'ferritin' information going back to before the current vaccination situation. It may not have relevance, but can we not raise questions about any of this? As a delivery driver commented to me in a random conversation, 'This isn't over yet. We all have to look after ourselves.'

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Neural lace is a form of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) which facilitates a direct communication pathway between an enhanced or 'wired brain' and an external device.

Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

"Several earlier studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, by attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles.

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Biodigital Convergence, COVID Magnetogenetic Ferritin Vaccines & Big Spikes In Mass Vaccinated Areas

Video from TheLastAmericanVagabond TLAV 
(section starts about halfway through):

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I next had a Twitter ban for 7 days for trying to post this reply to a post:

A Russian hacker found a database that shows vaccinated people’s info (vital signs, exact GPS coordinates, whether they are sleeping or awake) being uploaded in real time. Ppl who have received the vaccine are being tracked in real time by this Artificial Intelligence 5g system.

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Certainly, people are getting clamped down on for trying to raise any concerns regarding vaccinations.

But, could it be that there's no particular significance in a combination of 5G and, say the Covid 'vaccine'?

Please watch Dr Katherine Horton:

5G as a mass DEW terra-
forming platform for AI 
artificial intelligence.

You thought people were making up scare stories about being targeted, or being paranoid?

Also see books and downloads from Richard Lighthouse.

What is DEW?

Though It Seems Crazy Now, the Neutron Bomb Was Intended to Be Humane


What might satellites be able to do? See A New Breed by Dr John Hall.

What can we do and who are these individuals who are trying to control the way the think, feel, act and what we do?

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Watch Dr Michael Salla talking to Lucas Alexander, AgeofTruthTV:

'Secret Space Program, E.T. Alien Control & Mass Hypnosis'

Too deep for us to attempt a summary.

Note inserted June 2021
We've mentioned elsewhere in Blogs & on Twitter about motivation and therapists, and to be free to walk away from something that honestly does not feel in one's best interests. Therapy is naturally painful: It should not be harmful, or take people apart for the sake of it.

Elsewhere we've mentioned author Leo Lyon Zagami, and recently came across Vol. IV of Confessions of an Illuminati, American Renaissance 2.0 and the Missing Link from the Invisible World. You may have no interest in mind control experiments if those seem irrelevant in your life. He puts a lot into perspective.

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Much of this is heady stuff! Different aspects draw or repel people. See what you think of this interview:

HARALD KAUTZ-VELLA –“Black Goo=Gaia Blood, A.I. Mind Control, Aliens & Narcissism”

We think it explains puzzling things, including why 'they' need us to be a few feet apart.

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BigBrotherWatch, 4th June 2021 

Thermal biosurveillance cameras are active in the UK and the appetite for them is growing!

The tech is NOT hot or cool and we cannot exit #lockdown to more health surveillance. We're taking action - alert us if you're aware of any thermal surveillance cameras in the UK!

Open Democracy, UK

Legal threat sharpens over UK government plans to harvest patient data from GPs

OpenDemocracy and campaigners threaten injunction over the largest seizure of personal medical records in NHS history.

We make no claim to get things right all-the-time. Sometimes we have doubts about a theme, then find reputable researchers backing them up. Or someone seems 'off' and other people feel the same, while to some the approach is helpful.

We have no 'angle', and if an avenue or platform gets blocked, it opens up others.

Casuistry has been added to the title, and you could check this article from LBC, 16th June 2021:

Without getting into hassle over Covid vaccinations here, there seem to be agendas to confuse people, or get them to consider them a logical step for their health + protection.

What if they aren't? Would You be happy for children to have them? 

Now watch this short video on Catch 22's -

And check this out:

Dr Stefan Lanka

One to look up! The subject is complex. Here is a link to a video explaining why some people may suffer severe health problems after mRNA vaccination, while others do not:

Link to a 10-page pdf file "Viruses are not microbes and have no infectious capacity".

Meanwhile, search for yourself, and this may help: 

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Expression of concern, published 28 June 2021

'For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination'

The number of cases experiencing adverse reactions has been reported to be 700 per 100,000 vaccinations. Currently, we see 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations, and the number of fatal side effects is at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations. For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination. Conclusions: This lack of clear benefit should cause governments to rethink their vaccination policy.

Vaccination Policy and the U.K. Government: The Untold Truth Kindle Edition

What do Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Gulf War Syndrome and shady vaccination policies have to do with the UK government?

  📍        📍

Other Invasive Technology

Some useful Follow-Ups

Random ordering -

Legal Leaks
Law or Fiction
Daily Expose
Big Brother Watch
Adam Wagner
21st Century Wire
Hugo Talks
Waking the Future
Max Igan
Dr Michael Salla
Dr Joseph Mercola
Dr Stefan Lanka
Mark Windows
James Musker
Ellis Taylor, Howlin' at the Moon
Ben Emlyn-Jones
Dark Journalist
Lucas Alexander
Age of Truth TV
Tim Truth
Last American Vagabond, TLAV
David Knight Show
Dr Vernon Coleman
Dan Astin-Gregory
Dr Sean Hross
Robin de Ruiter
Leo Lyon Zagami
Isaac Weishaupt
Paul Bondarovski
Walter Bowart
Neil Sanders
Nick Redfern
Colin Muskett

There are plenty more! Just watch what others say about controlled opposition - people who speak out individually or in groups, offering valid points, but somehow keeping quiet/denying others, or their other aims.

What Are These, from 1990's?


Are We Humans Really a Closed System?

Have you come across people who crash a computer - just by being there? Or being online and full of animosity?

Gadgets have good days and not so good. Online banking plays up on simple stuff, but in seconds whizzes through a complex item. You can set up a blog on another platform, and import something faster than thinking what to call it! This blog is an accumulation of books that were around from the 1980's (when we seemed to understand tech stuff better), and some tech we're only just hearing of. When trying to post that on Twitter, it boomeranged right back with account locked. A pity, as Twitter was a great place for diverse folks + ideas. Now it's pretty well busted, bland puff pieces.

Cyber Polygon, WEF, 9th July 2021
Supply Chain Exercise

“A cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus” — World Economic Forum

This year, Cyber Polygon 2021 will simulate a fictional cyber attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.

Blogs are fine, but people tend to dive in and not read more than a section or two. Blogs lose bits between one page and the next, so if you found this post you did well; 3 or 4 others are in NoMansLand.

To summarise:
Psychic research tries, and fails, to replicate experiments. But some psychics are pretty good much of the time, and most of us have had strange impressions or coincidences. So clever people have worked on devising foolproof methods of bypassing natural abilities. Suddenly there's a pandemic called Covid-19, and hoo-haa comes out along with it, suggesting plans have been afoot for many-a-year, to infiltrate our lives and minds. Why? For some reason (what reason?) we should lose our freedoms.

How come people like George Orwell, H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley etc. warned of this, way back? And how come so much of all this has been fast-tracked, right under our noses?

Hence, we persevere.

Dana Foundation:
Brain scanning is coming to you: Field-based MRI research is already happening and will happen more and more in the future. Which means we need more careful consideration of its attendant ethical and legal issues, says Francis Shen at #studyBrain workshop.

Human Augmentation

The project incorporates research from German, Swedish, Finnish and UK Defence specialists to understand how emerging technologies such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics and the possibility of brain-computer interfaces could affect the future of society, security and Defence. The ethical, moral and legal challenges are complex and must be thoroughly considered, but HA could signal the coming of a new era of strategic advantage with possible implications across the force development spectrum.

From Tony Koretz at AMinutetoMidnite

Bombshell information regarding the global Vaxcination programme, and its links to unnecessary deaths, trans-humanism, and more!

WindowsontheWorld - Mark Windows

Listen to "The Smart Genocide" by Windows on the World via #spreaker 

David Knight on Bioweapons, Directed Energy

Odysee, Bitchute, BrandNewTube

Head over to these and other sources. Search for Dr Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer, Dr Peter McCulloch, StopTheCrime etc. and see where leads go that make sense for You:

Note: Many of those trying to alert people to possible problems arising from Covid vaccinations, EMF etc. are swiftly censored on main platforms. Unless issues are openly discussed, how can people make important decisions? Is it too pre-emptive? Why is there such a rush to use vaccinations that appear to have risks, or are unnecessary for people known to have had prior infection? Are schools likely to be a factor in increase of infection? Are those all 'legitimate infections', or some byproduct of testing? Is it simply assumed that certain people should self-isolate because of people they've been in contact with? And even if they have already been infected or injected?

Is this the kind of system, or 'logical procedure' we should just accept?

Just be aware that some high profile speakers against vaccination are thought to be part of some form of controlled opposition, toeing-a-line to line their pockets, or boost their egos. Beyond me, this spy stuff!

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The Corbett Report:

Haven't heard of The Great Convergence yet? Oh, it's just the plan to merge biology with digital technology and redefine what it means to be human, that's all. Today on the podcast James covers the biodigital convergence that is already being rolled out and what it means for the future of homo sapiens.

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When Artificial Agents Lie, Defame, and Defraud, Who Is to Blame?

'The law already describes some ways in which owners and distributors of artificial agents can be held liable for their misuse, but what will happen when these agents have adapted to their environments in ways that make them unique? No one will be able to fully predict or understand their behaviors.' 

Mark Windows @WindowsontheWorld

Mark talks to a psychiatrist about hearing voices, and on into the fear hype over Covid and vaccinations:

A look into the world of negative entities with Jerry Marzinsky

And there's a book on Amazon by Jerry Marzinsky.

Note inserted June 2021
We've mentioned elsewhere in Blogs & on Twitter about motivation and therapists, and to be free to walk away from something that honestly does not feel in one's best interests. Therapy is naturally painful: It should not be harmful, or take people apart for the sake of it.

Elsewhere we've mentioned author Leo Lyon Zagami, and recently came across Vol. IV of Confessions of an Illuminati, American Renaissance 2.0 and the Missing Link from the Invisible World. You may have no interest in mind control experiments if those seem irrelevant in your life. He puts a lot into perspective.

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A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth

This is a book about fear. Fear of a virus. Fear of death. Fear of losing our jobs, our democracy, our human connections, our health and our minds. It’s also about how the government weaponised our fear against us – supposedly in our best interests – until we were the most frightened country in Europe.

How the UK government weaponised fear...

Thierry Baudet speaking in Dutch Parliament (English subtitles)

Lock Step scenario
Planned 10 years ago - 'for a more controlled World'. And that was before some of the current technological advances.

No wonder so much of it is coming to fruition.

Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order Kindle Edition

Topics covered include the devolution of federal governments combined with the rise of global Smart Cities. Tools are examined, like ubiquitous surveillance, collaborative governance, Public-Private Partnerships, Reflexive Law, Fintech, including crypto currencies and the drive toward a cashless society. The spiritual aspect of Sustainable Development is also explored as an important component of manipulation.

5G Deprivation of Oxygen - Google Search

Who'd Ever Think?

A stray post turned up opportunely, questioning why anyone would be trying to split up families.

Well you could look to places like the Tavistock for instance.


Are We All a Bit Psychic?

Some people lull me into a feeling they are fine to be with, which can turn out very wrong. I had a psychic friend, Mr. O. He said he was always a material person, very active till his fifties, when he realised he could heal people with his hands. He used to charge up tissues just passing them through his hands, and sent them to people. His first thought was always what someone else might need. He and some friends formed a group which met weekly to send out healing. One day, for some reason they could not meet, and the recipient group asked 'What happened? We could not feel anything.' He was very good with people's photos, picking up pets that had passed on, even if they were not in the picture at all.

I was fascinated by people with a psychic sense, and the idea that if, for instance one had an idea or a problem, someone might sense it, or actually see it hanging around. There may be people with a certain physical or psychological make-up that enables others to pick up things that they've been brooding about, or they may suss things out about us. If we could see it ourselves, we'd understand what we were sensing - it might actually 'be there'. 

Below is a rather scary image of a book:

If you search around you can download a free .pdf version with drawings that make it more meaningful. Some of it is along the lines of the Leadbeater book on thoughtforms, emotions and so on. It could be that there are collections of energy either in someone's aura, or present nearby, or linked, that we actually are reacting to as if we could see them with ordinary sight. Another avenue to look at is things like entities or servitors, that are created with a specific task to perform. How do we know that some people don't just do this automatically to fulfil a need, without ever opening a magic book? It's my belief this happens more than we know.

Some families have strong traditions, and may have violent emotions that pass from generation to generation, with significant effects on those they come in contact with. It is not at a conscious level, and the impact on others can be very much like a deliberate curse. OK, so you don't believe in them, but wait till you meet something otherwise inexplicable! Then start looking to some form of protection.

Next, I draw your attention to author Mark Stavish (books in the righthand column). He is an esoteric writer and has a YouTube channel, but is able to explain things in a way that ordinary folks can understand. He writes about egregores, or group-minds of various kinds What interested me is his little book on poltergeists and obsessions, with sections on other authors whose work I had turned to in an attempt to get an inkling. I also have a thing about protecting oneself, and he has another book on that.

There seem to be situations and people, where none of the usual ideas work to explain things, or to improve them for someone, or for oneself. I don't believe in messing about in things I do not understand, but unless we consider some things outside-the-box, we will never learn.

Some writers are into Earth energies and so on, and one would have to be pretty hard-nosed not to consider that these, plus Planetary energies or configurations could explain some of the otherwise inexplicable.

Earth Energies

Writers include: Sesh Heri, Walter Bosley, Bruce Cathie, Andrew Collins, Toyne Newton. Also look for work on ancient mounds, latitude 33 and so on. Some writers claim that certain occult practitioners add their rituals to Planetary factors, combining them with Earth currents, blocking them in key places, or using sacrifices to make their own activities more effective.

See also Blog posts at the bottom on End Times and Exopolitics.

See What About Forensic Astrology? at

To get back to where this all started:

Are we effectively 'cuckooed' by other people's needs, conscious or not? Do they somehow infiltrate our own brain (or other) circuits, so we don't really know what to think for a while? Is this how cults work? or coercive situations like scams, or fraudulent relationships? A key thing to remember, however close you are to someone, or if you are being bullied, is to keep some of your circuits able to function. Go for a walk, hold something comforting or meaningful, give yourself a brief respite.